Leadership Team
The senior leadership team at the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction is responsible for the Centre’s strategic direction and daily management.
Tags:The senior leadership team at the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction is responsible for the Centre’s strategic direction and daily management.
Tags:Get to know our experts at CCSA. Whether it is alcohol, cannabis, stigma, opioids, or any another topic related to substance use and addition, our team of professionals is available to provide their knowledge expertise. Browse our staff profiles to find the right expert to meet your specific needs.
Information and resources about CCSA's focus on evidence-based policy, which is informed by health and social impacts to identify potential problems and solutions.
Information and resources about impaired driving, including risks, harms and legal limits.
Tags:The information on COVID-19 and substance use in this section is organized under specific topics. Topics covered include harm reduction, opioids, alcohol, homeless and marginalized populations, and treatment services and recovery. CCSA cannot vouch for the accuracy or currency of the information…
Tags:Sara’s areas of expertise include family physician remuneration for providing patient care for substance use disorders and gambling.
Tags:Canadian Drug Summaries that provide a national picture of drug trends.
Through our extensive work in policy development, our policy experts have developed a series of resources that are available to view for reference and information. Scan through the tabs below to review these resources, as well as other relevant materials including government legislation and media a…