Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

In collaboration with our partners and stakeholders, CCSA develops evidence-based resources to educate and to improve public awareness about impaired driving issues. We involve our target audiences (e.g., youth) in designing our products to ensure that the resources are appealing and engaging to them.

On this page you will find a range of infographics, handouts, social media messages and other resources to address questions many people have about alcohol, cannabis, prescription medications and other drugs and driving.

Resources and public information on related topics can be found on our Youth and Emerging Adults, Public Education (Cannabis), Resources (Alcohol) and Educators pages.

Drug-impaired Driving Toolkit

Type Resource
Infographic Drug-Impaired Driving: Know the Effects [infographic]
Poster Impaired is Impaired: No Matter What Your Ride [summer poster]
Poster Impaired is Impaired: No Matter What Your Ride [winter poster]
Tool Key Messages about Drug-Impaired Driving
Tool Key Messages about Drug-Impaired Driving in Rural and Remote Areas
Tool Drug-Impaired Driving Backgrounder
Tool Drugs, Driving and Youth Highlights
Tool Facts about Drug-Impaired Driving
Tool Effects of Drugs on the Body and Driving [handout]
Tool Evaluation of Drug-Impaired Driving Toolkit
Tool Test Your Knowledge on Drug-Impaired Driving
Toolkit Twitter Toolkit for Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada


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