CCSA Spotlight

Gambling Availability and Advertising in Canada: A Call to Action
Outlines the policy changes in Canada that led to the increase in gambling availability and advertising, and analyses why these changes are likely to increase gambling participation and gambling-related harms. Done in partnership with Greo Evidence Insights, the report asserts the need for a nation…

Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report
Summarizes the evidence drawn from worldwide evidence reviews, mathematical modelling, and extensive consultations and discussions. The Guidance provides people in Canada with accurate and current information about the risk of harms associated with the consumption of alcohol. Results will also prov…
Learn more about Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report
In-Patient Treatment for Substance Use in Canada
Provides information on frequently asked questions about in-patient treatment programs (also known as bed-based or residential programs). This guide explains what a person thinking about in-patient treatment for a substance use disorder should consider, such as individual goals, preferences, cost a…
Learn more about In-Patient Treatment for Substance Use in CanadaFeatured Video:
Are There Risks to Vaping Cannabis?
The videos below provide an overview of cannabis vaping and its risks. They touch on the different mental and physical risks that are linked with vaping cannabis and provide recommendations on how to lower the risks if one chooses to vape cannabis.
To compliment the videos, we have produced Talking to Youth about Cannabis Vaping, a guide for healthcare professionals.
Evidence. Engagement. Impact. provides the news you need about substance use and addiction — all in one place