Integrated Mental Health, Substance Use and Concurrent Disorder Service Delivery
Published: 2023
Tags:Considerations for Virtual Services and Supports for Substance Use and Concurrent Disorders [Policy Brief]
Published: 2021
Tags:Psychotic Disorder and Cannabis Use: Canadian Hospitalization Trends, 2006–2015 [Report in Short]
Published: 2020
Addressing Stigma: Brain Story in Action
Debbie Curtis, a mental health and addictions consultant, and Mary Fearon, director of the Blue Door Program, share how brain science is helping to address the stigma of addiction in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Fast Lane
Dr. Kim Corace, Director of Clinical Programming and Research at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, and Gloria Chaim, Associate Director of Child, Youth and Family Services at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, discuss the importance of delivering youth-led programs and tailored support for young people with substance use disorders.
Episode 03: Interview with Rita
For the first episode of 2019, CCSA Chief Executive Officer, Rita Notarandrea, joins us for a discussion on substance use and addiction. The in-depth interview looks at the biggest developments in substance use treatments, the current opioid crisis and misconceptions about substance use, as well as Ms. Notarandrea’s passion for helping those with substance use disorders.