Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Addiction News Daily is CCSA’s news service; a co​​mpilation of stories pulled from various sources and focusing on topics con​cerning alcohol, drugs and their related harms (including alcohol and drug​ preventi​on, treatment, recovery and addiction, and substance abuse policy and political ​di​alogue)​. Th​​e stories are chosen for their potential interest to Canadians and are of national significance. The opinions expressed in Addiction News Daily stories are not necessarily those of CC​SA. ​

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101 result(s)

March 21, 2022| Vernon Morning Star

‘Everyone’s best friend’ dies from toxic drugs in Salmon Arm, sister lobbies for safe drug supply

  • Lived and Living Experience
  • Stigma
March 7, 2022| The Charlatan

Researchers, clinicians seek to improve care of people living with opioid use disorder with new short film

  • Stigma
March 7, 2022| Brandon Sun

Vigil commemorates victims of overdoses

  • Lived and Living Experience
  • Stigma
February 28, 2022| Community Addictions Peer Support Association

Substance Use Health: The Doorways to Stigma [Webinar; March 9, 2022]

  • Stigma
February 21, 2022| Coast Reporter

Peer support for drug users gets funding on the Sunshine Coast

  • Stigma
January 24, 2022| Battlefords Now

Sask. launches ad campaign for people facing mental health, addictions issues

  • Stigma
January 12, 2022| University of Alberta News

Pandemic, stigma a double barrier to health care for people who use substances, says public health expert

  • Stigma
December 13, 2021| Mental Health Commission of Canada

Mental Health and Substance Use During COVID-19: Spotlight on Youth, Older Adults & Stigma

  • COVID-19
  • Stigma
November 24, 2021| Fort Frances Times

Taking Addiction Awareness to the street

  • Stigma
October 8, 2021| Timmins Today

Timmins man shares his experience dealing with drugs, addictions

  • Lived and Living Experience
  • Stigma
October 8, 2021| Anishinabek News

Mental wellness campaign encourages kindness, acceptance, culture, and compassion

  • Stigma
October 6, 2021| CBC News

A mother's plea to ERs — treat people addicted to drugs with kindness, not contempt

  • Stigma
  • Lived and Living Experience

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