April 24, 2020
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction and Mental Health Commission of Canada Highlight Healthy Coping Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic
Ottawa, April 24, 2020 — The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) have compiled a pair of easy-to-use tip sheets to help people in Canada recognize and cope with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The resources—one for healthcare workers and one for the general public, produced by CCSA and MHCC experts in the field—include simple, positive actions for those who may turn to substance use in the absence of their usual outlets.
“We are proud to come together at a critical time to provide resources and advice for people across Canada who may be consuming more substances and experiencing greater harms because of increased stress, anxiety and isolation related to COVID-19,” said Rita Notarandrea, CCSA’s CEO. “We partnered on this important initiative to provide the needed information at a time when everyone is doing the best they can to deal with these unprecedented circumstances.”
“We recognized that before COVID-19, 40 per cent of physicians, for example, were reporting advanced stages of burnout. As a former nurse, I know how hard it can be to balance the needs of others with our own well-being,” said MHCC president and CEO, Louise Bradley.
“Today’s healthcare workers are facing this balancing act under extremely arduous circumstances and finding healthy ways to cope with stress is more important than ever. While these tips are by no means exhaustive, we hope that they contribute to a greater awareness of healthy alternatives to substance use in health-care settings and communities across the country.”