Denna Berg, MPP
Denna’s areas of expertise include public policy, governance, stakeholder engagement and understanding emerging issues
Tags:C’Fine Ezeanochie Okorochukwu, MBBS, MPH
Areas of expertise:
C’Fine’s areas of expertise include advanced health planning, health promotion and risk reduction, epidemiology, and disease prevention.
C’Fine Ezeanochie Okorochukwu is an accomplished public health expert with 18 years of experience working for …
Board of Directors
A Board of Directors, comprised of leaders from the health, business, community, and law sectors, governs the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
Tags:Jill Harnum
Jill’s areas of expertise include substance use health, lived expertise with substance use and mental health peer support.
Tags:Media Articles
The publications in this section feature CCSA experts speaking in the media on the impacts of COVID-19 on substance use. For ease of navigation the articles have been categorized into a series of topics. CCSA cannot vouch for the accuracy or currency of the information in these resources. Inclus…
Tags:CCSA News
CCSA News is where you will find all the latest developments from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Learn more about our most recent publications, events, research findings and resource tools.
Samantha King, PhD
Samantha’s areas of study include behavioural neuroscience, mechanisms of action of drugs within the brain and the neuroscience of disordered eating and addiction.
Tags:Partners and Collaboration (Prescription Drugs)
Information about First Do No Harm, a collaborative report that contains a 10-year pan-Canadian strategy for addressing the prescription drug crisis.
Tags:Partners and Collaboration (Alcohol)
Information about the postsecondary education partnership - alcohol harms.