Impaired Driving
Information and resources about impaired driving, including risks, harms and legal limits.
Tags:Information and resources about impaired driving, including risks, harms and legal limits.
Tags:Shawna’s areas of expertise include substance use affecting the workplace, impaired driving, heavy episodic drinking among post-secondary students and international relations.
Tags:Information and resources about policy and regulations related to cannabis and driving.
Tags:On this page you will find a range of infographics, handouts, social media messages and other resources to address questions many people have about alcohol, cannabis, prescription medications and other drugs and driving.
Tags:Doug’s areas of expertise include alcohol- and drug-impaired driving research, road safety research, roadside surveys, and alcohol and drug policy.
Tags:Chealsea’s areas of expertise include forensic psychology, criminal justice, offender rehabilitation and women offenders.
Tags:The research section summarizes current information about the effects of alcohol, cannabis and other drugs on driving, as well as risks associated with youth and impaired driving.