Partners and Collaboration (National Treatment Indicators)
Information about the National Treatment Indicators Working Group.
Tags:Information about the National Treatment Indicators Working Group.
Tags:Information about the Student Drug Use Surveys Working Group.
Tags:Information about the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and the Canadian Substance Use and Harms project.
Tags:The research section summarizes current information about the effects of alcohol, cannabis and other drugs on driving, as well as risks associated with youth and impaired driving.
Tags:Expertise: Eliza’s areas of expertise include harm reduction, opioids, cannabis, stigma and the social determinants of health. Biography: Eliza Bate started her career in health and social services as a volunteer at the Carnegie Community Centre in Vancouver in 2005. Inspired by the challe…
Tags:Medetomidine Media Mentions Note: As some articles are syndicated, headlines are repeated for each news source. British Columbia Media Scan DRUG ALERT – Fentanyl Which Contains High Concentrations of Medetomidine Fraser Health issue drug alert for Surrey Fraser Health issue drug …
A choice modelling study to explore Canadian consumer preferences for attributes of cannabis products and purchase experiences Donnan, J., Bishop, L., Najafizada, M., Johnston, K. Curtins, D., & Janes, A. This study examined the attributes cannabis users in Canada consider when making pur…
Understanding Cannabis-Related Physical and Mental Health Presentations to the Emergency Department Following Legalization of Non-Medical Cannabis Use Tibbo, P., Crocker, C., Emsley, J., Magee, K., Stewart, S., Yakovenko, I., Carter. A, Abidi, S., & Sridharan. S. This study aimed to deter…
Understanding Cannabis Use and Perceptions in Patients with Mood and Anxiety Disorders Das, A., Hendershot, C., Husin, I., Knyahnytska, Y., Le Foll, B., Wang, W., Elsaid, S., & Kloiber, S.. This study aimed to identify patterns, knowledge, motivations, and perceptions of cannabis use (CU)…