World’s First Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines: Helping People in Canada Make Informed Decisions
Ottawa, September 15, 2021 — The Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines released today by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) will help people in Canada reduce gambling-related harms. The guidelines, which are the culmination of over five years of intense research, provide evidence-in…
Sara Atif, MSc
Sara’s areas of expertise include family physician remuneration for providing patient care for substance use disorders and gambling.
Partners and Collaboration (Gambling)
Information about CCSA's partnerships with the Mise sur toi Foundation, Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines Scientific Working Group and the National Lower-Risk Gambling Advisory Committee.

Matthew Young, PhD
Matthew is one of Canada’s leading experts in the epidemiology of substance use trends, the early detection and sharing of information on emerging drug-related health threats, new psychoactive substances and gambling.
Information and resources about gambling, including risks, harms and legal status.
Tags:François Gagnon, PhD
Areas of Expertise:
François’ areas of expertise include public policies, legal frameworks, harm reduction programs and services, alcohol, cannabis, gambling, tobacco and nicotine, and controlled substances.
François joined the t…