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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Addiction News Daily is CCSA’s news service; a co​​mpilation of stories pulled from various sources and focusing on topics con​cerning alcohol, drugs and their related harms (including alcohol and drug​ preventi​on, treatment, recovery and addiction, and substance abuse policy and political ​di​alogue)​. Th​​e stories are chosen for their potential interest to Canadians and are of national significance. The opinions expressed in Addiction News Daily stories are not necessarily those of CC​SA. ​

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3358 result(s)

April 16, 2021| Medical Xpress

In Canada, psychedelics re-emerge in treatment of depression

  • Mental Health
April 16, 2021| CTV News

Manitoba providing $1.2 million for mental health and addictions supports

  • Treatment
  • Mental Health
April 16, 2021| Lethbridge News Now

Groups offer more support across Canada for families of drug users

  • Treatment
April 16, 2021| Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Public Consultation on Updating Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines Closes on April 18

  • CCSA
  • Alcohol
April 16, 2021| Vernon Matters

Interior Health’s Vernon storefront is preventing overdose deaths

  • Harm Reduction
April 15, 2021|

Downtown Sudbury health hub addresses mental health, addictions among city’s most vulnerable

  • Treatment
  • Mental Health
April 15, 2021| Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Saskatoon overdoses surged while treatment admissions dipped in 2020

  • Illicit Drugs
  • Opioids
April 15, 2021| Radio-Canada

Bientôt la fin pour la « bière de chasse »?

  • Alcohol
April 14, 2021| Radio-Canada

Après 5 ans d'état d'urgence sanitaire, les surdoses sont toujours en hausse en C.-B.

  • Substance Use
  • Harm Reduction
April 14, 2021| CBC News

5 people a day dying on average, as B.C. hits 5th anniversary of overdose emergency

  • Substance Use
April 14, 2021| Toronto Star

New app aims to combat overdose deaths

  • Opioids
  • Harm Reduction
April 14, 2021| Toronto Star

Former health officials, advocates reflect on anniversary of overdose emergency

  • Substance Use
  • Harm Reduction

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